Errors updating firmware via the Website UpdaterUpdated 2 months ago
If you're getting errors and unable to complete the update of your Sleepbuds® via our Online Updater, please make sure to check the steps below. We recommend you go through these options in order. Often the first item will resolve the issue, if it doesn't, continue to the next one, etc.
If you can't get to the update page:
1. Make sure that you are using Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge when accessing
2. Try using a different USB-C cable or USB port on your computer. A faulty cable or USB port might also cause your computer to not detect the Sleepbuds® or cause the update to fail.
3. Restart your computer and try to connect again
If the update fails to begin:
1. Unplug and plug the case back in to the computer and refresh the webpage.
2. Try using a different USB-C cable or USB port on your computer. A faulty cable or USB port might also cause your computer to not detect the Sleepbuds® or cause the update to fail.
If the update fails during Smart Case transfer:
1. Wait until the case stops the rocking LEDs animation.
2. Restart the update.
3. Make sure the webpage is the primary focus on your computer- switching tabs or using too much CPU can cause the updater to not have enough resources to perform the update and fail.
4. Ensure that the computer does not fall asleep during the update process.
5. If failures continue, attempt to update via a mobile phone with the Ozlo Sleep app.
If the update fails during Left Bud, Right Bud, or Bluetooth transfers:
1. Keep the case plugged in and wait at least 30 minutes. Once the Smart Case transfer is complete, the rest of the updates happen automatically. The device may appear to reboot, disconnect from the sleepbuds, and turn off LEDs for several minutes. This is all expected, and the case should not be touched during this time.
2. Under no circumstances should a new Firmware update be started while the LEDs on the case are still rocking, especially if the update appears to fail on the bud or Bluetooth transfers. Starting a new transfer at this point can damage the device.
3. When the case LEDs stop rocking, check the Firmware version and ensure it is the desired version. If it is not, and the case has normal LED behavior (bud LEDs glowing in a static or 1/s frequency, center lights not rocking) then it is safe to start a new Firmware update.
If these steps didn't help, please reach out to us at [email protected], and we'll be happy to troubleshoot with you!